Key messages
- Breast milk is the healthiest food your baby can have
- Breastfeed exclusively (just milk, nothing else) for the first 6 months, the recommendation is to continue to breastfeed alongside introducing solid foods for at least the next 6 months until your baby is one year old and beyond
- Breastfeed for as long as you and your baby want to
- Breast milk boosts your baby's ability to fight illness and infection for as long as they have breast milk. Breastfeeding also boosts long term health for babies too
- Breastfeeding has many benefits for Mums as well
Services for support
- See Wiltshire council's pregnancy and breastfeeding web page for more information and links
- Local breastfeeding support available from your local maternity service and/or Health Visiting Service (opens new window)
- Infant feeding information can also be found on the Growing Well Wiltshire App ( (opens new window)
- There is a variety of breastfeeding peer support available from trained volunteers who are mums with experience of breastfeeding their own children and are trained to provide breastfeeding peer support in relaxed, welcoming environments. See Pregnancy, breastfeeding and early parenthood - then scroll down to 'Local breastfeeding help and support' for a list of groups
- Would you like to train as a Breastfeeding Peer Support Volunteer? If you have breastfed or breast milk fed for six months by the start of training (this doesn't need to be exclusive breastfeeding) and want to find out more about this free, on-line and flexible training opportunity then contact: (opens new window) or (opens new window) - they would love to hear from you!
- Our local Wiltshire breastfeeding peer supporters also have Facebook pages full of useful information where you can also ask questions and find out about local events:
Facebook: South Wiltshire and Surrounds Breastfeeding Support (opens new window)
Facebook: Bath and West Wiltshire Breastfeeding Peer Support (opens new window)
Facebook: Swindon Breastmates (opens new window)
- For independent, confidential, non-judgemental breastfeeding support and information contact the National breastfeeding helpline (opens new window) on 0300 100 0212 (Open 9.30am to 9.30pm daily)
- The National Breastfeeding Helpline also provides support via National Breastfeeding Helpline – Live Chat Support (opens new window) or via Facebook: National Breastfeeding helpline (opens new window)
- Wiltshire Council, including libraries and leisure centres, are showing their support for mothers to breastfeed comfortably when out and about by welcoming breastfeeding in their venues
- Remember: you have the right to breastfeed anywhere
- La Leche League IBG Network UK (opens new window) - friendly breastfeeding support from pregnancy onwards
- see the Bath & North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire (BSW) Maternity Voices Partnership: Infant Feeding Padlet BSW MVP (opens new window) for further breastfeeding links and videos
- Anya (opens new window) - breastfeeding and parenting support on your phone - including out of hours virtual support