Drugs and alcohol
Key Messages
- Drink less than 14 units of alcohol a week (where 14 units is equivalent to 6 pints of 4% beer, 6 medium glasses of 13% wine, or 14 single 25ml serves of spirits)
- Aim to spread your drinking across 3 or more days
- Limit the amount of alcohol drunk in any one session
- Avoid alcohol if you are pregnant
Services for Support
- Speak to your midwife if you are taking drugs or drinking alcohol during pregnancy
- Wiltshire's Health Improvement Coaches can support with reducing alcohol intake
- For mental health support see AWP: Wiltshire Talking Therapies (opens new window)
- See Wiltshire Council Drug and alcohol web page for more information
- Swindon and Wiltshire Active Recovery Service Wellbeing Cloud (opens new window) (Adult Drug and Alcohol Services)
- Motiv8 (opens new window) (Young People Drug and Alcohol Services)
- Audit C (measure your risks around your alcohol intake)
Relevant guidance/policies
- Alcohol Concern state that 1 in 4 adults in the UK are drinking too much alcohol, Public Health Action advises that for Wiltshire this is 1 in 3 adults.