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Wiltshire Health Improvement Hub

Wiltshire Health Coaches can help you to improve your health and wellbeing with:

They can also help you find other services and activities.

Contacting a Health Coach

For support please get in touch using any of the following:

Referral Form - Health improvement Hub (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window)

Referral form - Health Improvement Hub (Word) (OpenDocument text format, 1 MB)(opens new window)

What a Health Coach does

Health Coaches work on a one-to-one or group basis. Weight management support for children and young people aged 5-18 years is run in groups through the Healthy Me programme, details of which can be found on Weight management.

Adults opting for one-to-one support are offered six fortnightly 1-hour sessions, or twelve weekly half-hour sessions for smoking cessation. Under 18s are encouraged to discuss their support needs with the Coach.

Current adult group support is offered as:

  • 13 week stop smoking programme
  • 12 week group weight management programme. For further details regarding the group weight management programme and to see if you are eligible, please visit the Weight management page for further information

Support is via phone call, video call, or face to face at a council hub.

If you work with people in Wiltshire and would like to know more about how we can work together, Contact Health Coaches.

What you can expect

When you speak to a Health Coach they will support you to make a personal health plan to help you change. You can look back to see what you have achieved along the way, to remind you of just what you are capable of. It is also a way to keep track of what your mini goal is.

What a mini goal is

A mini goal is a goal set by you, to achieve in time for the next session with your Health Coach. It is something you think you will be able to achieve, which will be a stepping stone in your behaviour change.

Example of a mini goal:

  • walk for 30 minutes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
  • go to bed 30 minutes earlier each night
  • practice mindful eating at breakfast each day

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