Public health intelligence
Annual Director of Public Health Report
Directors of Public Health in local authorities across the country have a statutory duty to provide an annual report on the health of the local population.
Public Health Intelligence
We need to use the best available health intelligence to be able to provide public health functions. Public health intelligence supports the provision of public health practice by providing data, information and evidence from a diverse number of sources. This includes data regarding numbers of births and deaths, hospital admission figures, public health service outcome figures and national and local surveys. The work contributes to joint strategic needs assessments (JSNAs) and the Health and Wellbeing Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.
This function concerns the management of knowledge needed to inform action including: analysis of data and statistics; learning from practical experience and sharing best practice; and implementing new knowledge gathered through research. This uses a wide range of skills, spanning analysis, statistics and epidemiology (the study of the patterns, causes, and effects of health and disease conditions in populations), alongside knowledge management, library and information services, as well as interpretation and evaluation.
Most of the data sets do not contain personal information. When personal information is included in the data sets used by Wiltshire Council's Public Health team the information is not disclosed unless there is a legal requirement to do so or if you have given consent for the information to be shared with a particular third party. With some datasets it is possible to exclude an individual if they wish to opt out of analysis. If you wish to not take part in analysis that will lead to an improvement in public health outcomes please contact (opens new window).
Public Health Data Privacy Notice
Wiltshire Council has a duty to protect personal information and will process personal data in accordance with the current Data Protection legislation.
All local authorities have a duty to improve the health of the population they serve. To help us do this, we use data and information from a range of sources including the Office for National Statistics, NHS Digital, Clinical Commissioning Groups, and hospitals to understand more about the nature and causes of disease and ill health in Wiltshire.
Privacy notice - Mortality Records
This notice provides details of how Wiltshire Council collects and uses information about deaths from the Primary Care Mortality Database.
For more information about how Wiltshire Council will use your Public Health information, contact the Public Health Intelligence team at (opens new window) or telephone 0300 0034 566. You have the right to request a copy of the information we hold about you. To obtain a copy of your personal information, please write to Wiltshire Council, Information Governance Team, County Hall, Trowbridge, Bythesea Road BA14 8JN.
Contact us
Public Health
Wiltshire Council
County Hall
BA14 8JN
Phone: 0300 003 4566