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Coronavirus (COVID-19) - support for care providers

The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation is rapidly changing so Wiltshire Council has collated all the important guidance for Wiltshire care providers. We will continually update this page with new guidance and resources. If you are concerned about the health of someone, please visit the NHS COVID-19 web page or call the NHS on 111, or 999 in an emergency.

Provider Coronavirus commissioning contact

We have set up a team to assist providers with any queries that they may have. We will update providers regularly through emails, as well through this web page. If you are one of our providers and are not receiving these updates, please email (opens new window) or call 01225 718777.

Wiltshire Care providers can also use this email address for any information, guidance or support on the situation.

Providers will be able to seek support from us between 8am - 6pm either by phone or email.

Provider webinars/conference calls

We will be holding a Provider webinar to discuss your Coronavirus queries and any information that we have to share.

We have another opportunity for both Care Home and Home Care providers to have their queries answered by Helen, with a Skype call booked for Thursday 9 April at 11am.

Providers can join us by phone by calling 01225 711199

And entering the Conference ID: 56269906

Please send any queries to (opens new window). Please make it clear that this query is intended for the Skype call for Helen by indicating in the subject title Webinar query. There will be a Q & A panel within the webinar for you to submit any further queries. Please see link to guidance to help with the use of the Q and A panel.

Bed capacity 

In order to make sure that all care homes, hospices, providers of inpatient community rehabilitation, end-of-life care providers and brokerage services can access an up-to-date, single resource of provider availability during the COVID-19 situation, it has been agreed that we will use one, single capacity tracker across all of Wiltshire. Consequently, we will be using the national, Capacity Tracker (Department of Health & Social Care NHS) (opens new window).

The tool will be used to easily track bed capacity and vacancies to support system-wide bed and discharge planning. 

Registration is straight-forward and only takes a couple of minutes.

Once providers' accounts have been approved, they will be asked to provide some additional details and then asked to regularly update the tracker 'as close to real time as practicable', e.g. as and when any occupancy changes or at least daily, if there has been no change. 

Some providers and WHC already use 'MiDoS' for capacity and demand but, during the COVID-19 situation, we need to have one, single system that is straightforward to access and update.  Therefore, we should now switch to using the national tracker for the duration.

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