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Children and young people healthy weight

Wiltshire Council is committed to supporting children and young people to live in an environment that supports healthier lifestyles and whilst many of these challenges we face may take some time to take effect, we hope this page will give you the information you need to make the first step whether it is for yourself as a young person or as a parent for your child.

Children and young people today are growing up in an 'obesogenic' environment, which means they are faced with factors that make it easy to be overweight, such as more access to unhealthy foods and not being physically active. We have takeaways and fast food restaurants open during the day on the walk home from school, as parents we have safety concerns around children playing out in the street and there are more opportunities to sit in front of a TV or a gaming station.

Healthy Me is a programme available for free, to families in Wiltshire, who would like help with healthy choices around eating, lifestyle and physical activity. Visit the Weight management page for further information.

Top Tips for healthy weight in children and young people

Support available for children and young people

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