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Weight management

It's important to keep a healthy weight. Enter your weight and height into the NHS healthy weight calculator (opens new window) to check your BMI.

Healthy Us group weight management programme

Healthy Us is a free weight management and healthy lifestyle programme available to anyone living in Wiltshire (with a Wiltshire postcode), aged 18 years or over, with a body mass index (BMI) of 28 or above. The programme aims to educate individuals on achieving a healthy, balanced diet and overall healthy lifestyle through behaviour change to achieve personalised goals and targets. Other topics include physical activity, stress management and creating habits.

The programme focuses on behaviour change, individuals have their weight taken each week and are encouraged to work towards a 5% weight loss goal by week 12, with follow-up sessions up to 12 months.

Each session is interactive, lasts one hour and covers different topics each week which will support weight loss (e.g. portion sizes, setting meaningful and realistic goals, physical activity, recipe modification, among many more)

To get the most out of the course it is expected that participants attend at least 9 sessions and a weight measurement be taken each week (all information will be kept confidential and not shared) Bookings are available for both virtual and face to face group programmes.

There are a range of options available to access the programme:

  • 12-week adult group programme, face to face and virtual
  • 12-week 'Move with Bath' group programme, face to face with physical activity from Bath Rugby (Men only)

Healthy Us group weight management programme for adults with learning disabilities 

Healthy Us is a free weight management and healthy lifestyle programme available to anyone living in Wiltshire (with a Wiltshire postcode), aged 18 years or over, with a body mass index (BMI) of 28 or above and have a learning disability. The programme focuses on teaching individuals about what a healthy, balanced diet is and how to achieve it, the importance of physical activity, sleep, and stress management, as well as the behaviour change techniques to achieve personalised goals and targets. Each session is interactive and covers different topics each week which will support weight loss.

There are a range of options available to access the programme:

  • 6 x 1-2-1 sessions, face to face or virtually using Microsoft Teams
  • 12-week 'Move with Bath' group programme, face to face with physical activity from Bath Rugby Foundation (includes a cookery session by Phunky Foods©)
  • For care providers, day centres and other organisations - bespoke programmes delivered within the residential house/day centre, at least 6 weeks long, to help embed changes within the setting

A capacity assessment and decision should be completed by the referral source. We highly encourage support worker presence and engagement during the programme. For the course to be beneficial for the client, we emphasise that the client is capable of making justified decisions of their own eating behaviours, food and drink choices; retaining information; using/ weighing up information as part of the process of making the decision to change behaviours for a healthier lifestyle.

How to book your place onto the Healthy Us programme

Contact us at the Wiltshire Health Improvement Hub by email or telephone:

For further information and booking details regarding the 'Move with Bath' programme, visit: Bath Rugby: Move with Bath (opens new window).

Healthy Me

Healthy Me is a programme for families with children aged 5-18 years. It's designed to empower families to make small changes towards life-long health and wellbeing.

Healthy Me is available for free, to families in Wiltshire, who would like help with healthy choices around Eating, Lifestyle and Physical Activity.

Our aim is to provide information, encouragement, and support, using a person-centred approach to help improve health and wellbeing.

Topics covered include:

  • setting your own goals
  • portion control
  • having a relaxing bedtime routine.
  • physical Activity
  • boosting your self-confidence
  • what makes a food ultra-processed?
  • the facts about sugar
  • detective work - food labels
  • making healthier recipes through food planning.

We'll stay connected with you and offer our support for a whole year following completion of the course. The fun and learning will continue, to help you sustain long-term lifestyle changes.

The current offer available to access the programme is 6 x 1-2-1 sessions, virtually using Microsoft Teams.

Please enquire if you are interested in our face-to-face programmes.

A referral form/medical form and decision should be completed by the referral source. Adults should be present at the time of the sessions.

How to book your place onto the Healthy Me programme

    Contact us at the Wiltshire Health Improvement Hub by email or telephone:

    Other information on weight management

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