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Wiltshire and Swindon Countryside Access Forum

The Wiltshire and Swindon Countryside Access Forum (WSCAF) offers strategic advice and comment to Wiltshire Council, Swindon Borough Council and other statutory and independent bodies on ways to improve access to the countryside for outdoor recreation and sustainable travel, and on public rights of way matters.

We have commenced work on the 2025-2035 Countryside Access Improvement Plan, this plan will help shape how Wiltshire Council manages and improves access to the countryside. To help guide us we would be grateful if you could fill in the survey via Snap Surveys: Countryside Access Improvement Plan 2025-2035 - Engagement Survey (opens new window). The deadline for this survey is 15 November 2024.

Contact us

To contact any member of the forum please contact the WSCAF Secretary in the first instance: (opens new window).

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