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The Parent Portal and Establishment Portal will be unavailable between 5pm Friday 14 February and 9am Saturday 15 February.

Rights of way

 Advice from HSE on cattle and public access (opens new window)

We have commenced work on the 2025-2035 Countryside Access Improvement Plan, this plan will help shape how Wiltshire Council manages and improves access to the countryside. To help guide us we would be grateful if you could fill in the survey via Snap Surveys: Countryside Access Improvement Plan 2025-2035 - Engagement Survey (opens new window). The deadline for this survey is 15 November 2024.

Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) (opens new window)

General Data Protection Regulations

Privacy notice rights of way and countryside (PDF, 115 KB)(opens new window)

Rights of way and countryside subject information notice (PDF, 62 KB)(opens new window)

Countryside volunteering

There are lots of opportunities to help improve and maintain Wiltshire's rights of way. If you would like to help, please contact us at (opens new window). The below toolkit also provides information to help set up groups.

Footpath groups toolkit

Footpath toolkit (PDF, 473 KB)(opens new window)

a. Guide to forming a group (Word doc, 20 KB)(opens new window)

b. Volunteer footpath audit form (Word doc, 17 KB)(opens new window)

c. Request for landowner consent (Word doc, 13 KB)(opens new window)

d. Risk assessment form (Word doc, 90 KB)(opens new window)

e. Be tick aware leaflet (PDF, 160 KB)(opens new window)

f. Activity day poster (Word doc, 384 KB)(opens new window)

g. Activity day sign-in form (Word doc, 14 KB)(opens new window)

h. Volunteer contact form (Word doc, 14 KB)(opens new window)

i. Useful stakeholders (Word doc, 15 KB)(opens new window)

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