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Household collections

Waste Service Policy

This page is for Wiltshire Council's Waste Collection Service Policy.

Household and recyclable waste collections

Wiltshire Council (hereafter referred to as 'we') will collect household waste and recyclable materials in accordance with a published schedule where possible, except in circumstances beyond our control - if this occurs, then collections will be rescheduled. Collections are currently fortnightly.

Other waste collections available

Garden waste

Householders can opt to pay for garden waste collections. If you have subscribed, we will collect it in accordance with a published schedule where possible, except in circumstances beyond our control - if this occurs, then collections will be rescheduled. You will need to clearly display your address on you garden waste bin.

Subscribe for garden waste collections

Large items

Householders can arrange collection of large, reusable items, such as furniture or white goods. If your goods are unsuitable for reuse, we can collect these from outside of your property for a charge. We are unable to enter your property to collect large items. See our Large item reuse and collection page for details.

Householders can request this service by calling us on 0300 456 0102.

Clinical waste

We can also provide, upon request, a separate collection of Clinical Waste from householders who self-administer medication or treatment at home, for example: discharged sharps from the injection of insulin for the control of diabetes, or waste from home kidney dialysis treatment. 

Apply online to request a clinical waste collection (opens new window) or phone the council on 0300 456 0102 to register.

Where additional household waste is generated that includes offensive healthcare waste, due to a member of the household's illness or disability, additional household waste capacity may be provided, without charge, at the discretion of the council.

Householders can request this service by calling us on 0300 456 0102.

This is informed by October 2010 cabinet report, see Minutes of Cabinet meeting October 2010 (opens new window) for more details.

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