School holiday activities provision
Dear parents/carers
We have produced this directory (Excel doc, 24 KB)(opens new window) to give you an idea of the range of activities available for children aged from 5 to 12 years during the 2020 October Half Term Holidays including for families with vulnerable children and children of key workers.
For activities for children and young people with SEND, the Wiltshire Parent and Carer Council have the following to support:
Activity calendar (opens new window)
October short breaks bulletin (opens new window)
and weekly newsletters (opens new window)
There is further support and advice on the Wiltshire Parent Carer Council (WPCC) (opens new window). Additionally, for parents and carers seeking activities for children with SEND, providers listed in this directory may also be able to help - please contact them directly to enquire.
The information in this directory relates to a number of providers from across the Wiltshire Council area, who have indicated they will be providing a programme of childcare over the holidays. The detail we have included only provides a snapshot of the range of opportunities available so we would encourage you to contact the provider directly, to check their websites for further details and to ensure the activity is right for your child.
Any providers delivering OFSTED registered activity are clearly marked. All other providers have been asked to provide key health and safety and safeguarding information ahead of being included in this document. We have also asked all providers to be aware of the latest government guidance on social distancing. However, inclusion does not indicate an endorsement and parents/carers should always research any childcare ahead of allowing their child to attend.
This is a dynamic document and provision will be added as more providers send over details, so please come back to review this directory on a regular basis.
For any queries relating to this web page, please contact (opens new window).
Childcare providers
Name | Status | Time | Fees | Age | Location | Contact details |
Caroline Yeates | Childminder | 7.30am to 6pm | £4.75 per hour for first child and £4.25 for siblings | 0-12 years | Durrington | 07906 123415 (opens new window) |
Tracey Garner | Childminder | 8am ro 6pm | £6 per child which includes all meals | Any age | Bradford on Avon | 07855 665784 (opens new window) |
Charlene Appleby | Childminder | none specified | provided on contact | none specified | Bulford | (opens new window) |
Hailey Lee | Childminder | none specified | provided on contact | none specified | Winterbourne Gunner | (opens new window) |
Kate Stott | Childminder | none specified | provided on contact | none specified | Durrington | (opens new window) |