School admissions consultation
Relevant Area Consultation 2026/27 - 2027/28
The School Standards and Framework Act 1998 requires each local authority to establish a Relevant Area for admission policy consultations. The Relevant Area, once determined, is the area in which admission authorities must consult with schools regarding their proposed admission arrangements for 2026 and 2027 before finalising them.
Wiltshire Council is consulting on the proposed relevant area and would welcome any comments on this proposal by 30 September 2024. There are no changes proposed to the relevant area, they remain the same as those determined in previous years.
Relevant Area Consultation (PDF) [56KB] (opens new window)
Wiltshire Council Relevant Area (PDF) [5MB] (opens new window)
Please send any comments to (opens new window) or alternatively please post them to:
School Admissions Team
Wiltshire Council
County Hall
BA14 8JN
Once the relevant area has been determined, any school or academy proposing to change its admission arrangements will need to consult with all other schools, as outlined in the Relevant Area and in line with the School Admissions Code.
Details of the Determined Relevant Area will be published on 10 October 2024.