School admissions consultation
School Admissions Policy Consultation 2026/27
Wiltshire Council is consulting on the proposed admissions criteria and admission arrangements for its Community & Voluntary Controlled Schools for the 2026/27 academic year. It is also consulting on the proposed schemes for co-ordination of admissions to all maintained schools and academies for the 2026/27 academic year.
The consultation begins on Friday 15 November 2024 and it ends on Friday 10 January 2025.
Proposed Admission Arrangements for VC & C Primary schools 2026-27 (PDF, 475 KB)(opens new window)
Proposed Admission Arrangements for VC & C Secondary schools 2026-27 (PDF, 191 KB)(opens new window)
Proposed Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme Primary 2026-27 (PDF, 298 KB)(opens new window)
Proposed Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme Secondary 2026-27 (PDF, 252 KB)(opens new window)
Consultation for the change of designated area to Harnham Infants School and Harnham C of E Controlled Junior School.
The consultation begins on Friday 15 November 2024 and it ends on Friday 10 January 2025.
The designated area of Harnham Infants School and Harnham C of E Controlled Junior School will be changing from September 2026.
The change is required due to new housing in the west of Harnham. The area of new housing is currently within the designated area of Wilton C of E Primary School, but this school is over 3 miles away. From September 2026, the area of new housing, will be added to the Harnham Infants School and Harnham C of E Controlled Junior School designated areas and become a shared area with Wilton C of E Primary School. The current designated area and new designated area of Harnham Infants School and Harnham C of E Controlled Junior School are shown in the maps below.
Current catchment area
Current Harnham Infants and Juniors Catchment area (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window)
Proposed catchment area - outlined in turquoise with the new area to the left of the black line
Proposed Harnham Infants and Juniors Catchment area (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window)
To respond to this consultation please send your comments by email to or you can write to:
School Admissions Team
Wiltshire Council
Bythesea Road
BA14 8JN