Forms, guides and policy documents
Any person or body who considers that any maintained school or academy's arrangements are unlawful, or not in compliance with the code or relevant law relating to admissions, can make an objection to the Schools Adjudicator.
Objections must be referred to the adjudicator by May 2024. Further information on how to make an objection can be obtained from the Office of the Schools Adjudicator (opens new window).
Catchment area
Please visit the Wiltshire Schools Admissions Explorer (opens new window) and enter your postcode to view your catchment area school. There is no guarantee that your child will be offered a place at your preferred school, even if you live within the catchment area.
Secondary school catchment areas
The secondary school catchment layers provides the schools catchment areas within Wiltshire. Faith Schools e.g. Catholic Schools do not have catchment areas and these are determined on faith grounds.
The Local Authority Schools; Community, Voluntary Aided & Foundation Schools were set historically by the Local Authority using parish/town boundaries and the Academies determine their own catchment areas.
These are updated annually when the schools confirm their Admissions policies. If there are any large developments that affect the town/parish boundaries this would also start the process for the catchment area to be updated.
The data available here is a static copy of the Secondary School Catchment Areas and is updated in line with the annual updates. However, to ensure you're viewing the latest version, please visit our Education web map (opens new window).
Determined admissions arrangements for voluntary controlled and community schools
Determined Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Primary schools 2025-26 (PDF, 297 KB)(opens new window)
Determined Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Primary Schools for 2025/26
Determined Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Secondary schools 2025-26 (PDF, 191 KB)(opens new window)
Determined Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Secondary Schools for 2025/26
Determined admissions arrangements for co-ordinated schemes
Determined Co-ordinated Scheme for Primary school admissions 2025-26 (PDF, 298 KB)(opens new window)
Determined Co-ordinated Scheme for Primary School Admissions for 2025/26
Determined Co-ordinated Scheme for Secondary school admissions 2025-26 (PDF, 251 KB)(opens new window)
Proposed Co-ordinated Scheme for Secondary School Admissions for 2025/26
Determined admissions arrangements for voluntary controlled and community schools
Determined admissions arrangements for co-ordinated schemes
Determined Co-ordinated Scheme for Primary School Admissions 2024-25 (PDF, 299 KB)(opens new window)
Determined admissions arrangements for voluntary controlled and community schools
Determined Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Primary Schools for 2023/24
Determined admissions arrangements for co-ordinated schemes
Determined Co-ordinated Scheme for Primary School Admissions for 2023/24
Determined Co-ordinated Scheme for Secondary School Admissions for 2023/24
Delayed entry request forms
If you are applying for a delayed entry you must download and complete the relevant form below as well as submit a formal application. You can either apply online (opens new window) or call Customer Services on 01225 713010 to request a paper copy of the application form.
Apply for a delayed entry to primary school (PDF, 59 KB)(opens new window)
Apply for a delayed entry to junior school (PDF, 59 KB)(opens new window)
Apply for a delayed entry to secondary school (PDF, 69 KB)(opens new window)
Appeal forms
School Admission Appeals Form (OpenDocument text format, 20 KB)(opens new window)
Parents' guides
GOV.UK: Ofsted (opens new window) website
Top tips leaflet for starting primary school (PDF, 633 KB)(opens new window)
Finding a primary school place guide 2025-26 (PDF, 267 KB)(opens new window)
Finding a secondary school place guide 2025-26 (PDF, 284 KB)(opens new window)
Wiltshire Council's Relevant Area for Admissions
Wiltshire Council Relevant Area (PDF, 53 KB)(opens new window)
Map of Relevant Area (PDF, 5 MB)(opens new window)
Policy documents
Any person has the right to refer an objection to the school's adjudicator if they think that the arrangements do not comply with the law or the mandatory requirements of the Schools Admissions Code of Practice. For more information visit the website of the Office of the Schools Adjudicator (opens new window).
Fair access protocols
Primary Fair Access Protocol (PDF, 180 KB)(opens new window)
Secondary Fair Access Protocol (PDF, 218 KB)(opens new window)