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Wiltshire Council receives further funding to improve the county's roads Council has been awarded £2.6m of additional Government funding each year for two years to spend on highways maintenance, including...
Wiltshire Council secures Government funding to improve energy efficiency of homes will be spent on retrofitting up to 210 Wiltshire homes by March 2025. Wiltshire Council has been successful in securing more than £3.6m...
Wiltshire Council and Milestone Infrastructure to work in partnership on new highways maintenance contract Council is working with a new local highways maintenance contractor from Saturday 1 April, as Milestone Infrastructure begins...
Wiltshire Council thanks community litter pickers - but cautions groups to pick safely Council is thanking the community groups throughout the county that collect litter and help to keep Wiltshire beautiful Wiltshire...
Wiltshire Council awarded £7m to improve safety on the A3102 Council has been granted nearly £7m to help us make the A3102 in Wiltshire safer for road users. Wiltshire Council has been granted...
Wiltshire Council chosen to co-design national scheme for wraparound childcare Council has been selected by the Government to help co-design a national scheme for primary school age wraparound childcare. The...
Wiltshire Council Early Years Team achieves national recognition for SEND work Council is one of the first local authorities in the country to gain special recognition for its commitment to inclusion for children...
Wiltshire Council to start design work on final dualling of the A350 at Chippenham Council is due to begin environmental surveys in February on the final phases of improvements to the A350 at Chippenham to dual...
Wiltshire Council pledges support as it welcomes the government action for Ukraine refugees Council has welcomed the details of the government scheme to support Ukrainian refugees to seek refuge in the UK. Wiltshire
Wiltshire Council taking a tough stance against abandoned vehicles, with no valid tax or registration plates. It was removed without notice by Wiltshire Council after complaints from the public. Abandoning...