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Leasehold Debt Recovery Policy - Payment plans / Arrangements: a payment plan has been put into place between leaseholder and council this will be monitored. Failure to adhere to the agreed...
Local Plan - Privacy notice - Planning your personal information, visit: . For more information on how the Spatial Planning department use your personal information, see:...
Neighbourhood planning - Contact us be found via our page. If you wish to contact a member of our Neighbourhood Planning team, you can do so using one of the following...
Neighbourhood Planning activity map are a number of Town and Parish Councils developing Neighbourhood Plans across Wiltshire. The Neighbourhood Planning activity...
Chippenham One Plan for Chippenham Town Centre Relationship to the Chippenham Neighbourhood Plan and other strategies Chippenham will capitalise...
Contact Strategic Planning you can do this using the . If you wish to contact a member of our Strategic Planning team, you can do so using one of the following...
Report a matter to Planning Enforcement enforcement team whose job it is to deal with enquiries about breaches of planning control, and to resolve cases through formal...
Climate strategy and delivery plans and farming; and carbon neutral council. The , Wiltshire's Natural Environment Plan was also adopted, and both documents will...
Personal Education Plan Person Education Plan (PEP) is the statutory tool to ensure that everyone is actively prioritising the education of the Young Person,...
Affordable Housing Definitions - Local Housing Need number of homes identified as being needed through the application of the standard method set out in national planning guidance, or a...