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Climate strategy and delivery plans and farming; and carbon neutral council. The , Wiltshire's Natural Environment Plan was also adopted, and both documents will...
Personal Education Plan Person Education Plan (PEP) is the statutory tool to ensure that everyone is actively prioritising the education of the Young Person,...
Contact Strategic Planning you can do this using the . If you wish to contact a member of our Strategic Planning team, you can do so using one of the following...
Local Plan - The Local Plan review Government requires every Local Plan to be reviewed at least once every five years. Wiltshire's Local Plan, the , was adopted in...
Neighbourhood planning referendums Neighbourhood Plan Referendums will be published on our area.
Planning Enforcement Policy 2024
Report a matter to Planning Enforcement enforcement team whose job it is to deal with enquiries about breaches of planning control, and to resolve cases through formal...
Planning Enforcement Policy 2024 - What is a breach of planning control breach of planning control occurs when development or activities are carried out without the required planning permission or in a manner...
Wiltshire Local Transport Plan Local Transport Plan (LTP) outlines a local authority's approach to managing transport in a way that supports local needs, growth,...
Vehicle Crossing Guidance Notes - Filling in the form will require each application to be for only one distinct property as we issue the completion certificate for the property address. There...