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  • Cabinet agrees next steps for more than £12 million investment to support young people

    Wiltshire Council leaders have agreed next steps to provide supported accommodation and residential care homes for care experienced young people and young peopl...

  • Rail

    In May 2020, Wiltshire Council, working with the Devizes Development Partnership (DDP), was successful in being awarded funding (up to £50,000) from the Departm...

  • Wiltshire Council makes fly-tippers pay the price for dumping waste

    Wiltshire Council has been issuing fixed penalty notices (FPNs) to fly-tippers around the county and beyond for dumping waste in Wiltshire. Wiltshire Council ha...

  • Wiltshire Council receives Government funding to help with fly-tipping fight

    Wiltshire Council has been successfully awarded £46,391 of grant funding from the Government's Fly-Tipping Intervention Grant fund to help combat fly-tipping in...

  • A spring garden refresh for the residents of Nadder Close

    Wessex Electricals & Wessex Property Care have helped us to spruce up Nadder Close Wessex Electricals & Wessex Property Care, well known Electrical & Property m...

  • Empty property

    Changes to modernise empty property rates came into effect on 1 April 2008. These aim to provide a strong incentive to bring vacant premises back into use, by r...

  • Wiltshire Council gives advice on how to help rough sleepers this winter

    Wiltshire Council is offering advice to people on what they can do to support anyone they see sleeping rough on the streets. As numbers of rough sleepers have i...

  • Downton and Redlynch Public Spaces Protection Order

    A Public Spaces Protection Order, or PSPO, was introduced in Downton and Redlynch in August 2022 in response to a rise in complaints of anti-social behaviour in...

  • Super Saturdays: get around for a pound with Wiltshire Connect

    Wiltshire Council is pleased to offer a more affordable, convenient way to travel following the successful introduction of a demand responsive bus service Wilts...

  • Major broadband upgrade for Wiltshire to benefit thousands of rural properties

    Wessex Internet wins £18m government funded Project Gigabit contract to roll out lightning-fast connectivity to around 14,500 homes and businesses in South Wilt...

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