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Wiltshire Council considers Public Spaces Protection Order for Chippenham the successful implementation of Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO) in Salisbury and Devizes last year, Wiltshire Council is now considering the i...
Calne High Street has begun to re-open Calne High Street to vehicular traffic as part of an 18 month trial under an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO). The route w...
About Freedom of Information and give you the right to request recorded information held by Wiltshire council. Recorded information includes printed documents, computer files, letters...
Inclusion and diversity employment monitoring report 2024 - Our commitment to driving change council works hard to create a fair workplace. We help staff groups, work with unions, and check how we can improve to be fair to everyone.
Wiltshire Autism Strategy 2022 to 2027 - Local and national context is autism Autism is a spectrum condition 1 which affects different people in different ways. Autistic people 2 may experience difficulties with social comm...
Round-up of recent Wiltshire Council area board projects to support communities activities, pollinator corridors and health and wellbeing events are just some of the projects Wiltshire Council's area boards have helped fund and suppor...
Pregnancy, breastfeeding and early parenthood and early parenthood is a period of great change that can impact on the short and long-term health and well being of the mother and baby. Parents are ...
Household Support Fund 4 (HSF4) - What schemes the HSF supports wide range of schemes are being supported and delivered by council departments and the voluntary sector. Additional schemes may be added throughout the delive...
Wiltshire Council ramps up support as hundreds of Ukrainian refugees set to come to Wiltshire hearted residents from 218 households so far have offered safe homes for people fleeing the war torn country Wiltshire Council is putting in additional sta...
Privacy notice - School Admissions's Services The School Admissions Team Wiltshire Council has a duty to protect personal information and will process personal data in accordance with th...