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Smells and odours and unpleasant smells Wiltshire Council has the duty to take reasonable steps to investigate complaints about odour causing a statutory nuisance. A statu...
School transport frequently asked questions While we expect all our buses to run on time, unexpected delays and problems may occur. If your school/college bus does not arrive, wait at the bus s...
Waste service policy Council waste collection service policy Household and recyclable waste collections Wiltshire Council (hereafter referred to as 'we') will collect and...
Aqualetes swimming lessons Aqualetes for swimming lessons at 16 Wiltshire Council pools! Enjoy learning in a fun atmosphere while boosting your skills and confidence.
Household collections - Waste Service Policy page is for Wiltshire Council's Waste Collection Service Policy. Household and recyclable waste collections Wiltshire Council (hereafter referred to as 'we...
Wiltshire Council work with partners to distribute Household Support Fund 4 Council is working in partnership with a number of local organisations and internal departments to distribute £5.4m allocated in round four of the Hou...
Help for those struggling with cost of living extended until September Council has confirmed that it will continue to work in partnership with a number of local organisations and internal departments to distribute the £2....
Events taking place throughout Wiltshire to talk about Highways Matters successful pilot events in Calne and Marlborough, Wiltshire Council's Area Boards will be talking with residents at a series of events throughout the ...
Westbury builder sentenced for trading standards offences company director was sentenced on Friday 26 April for trading standards offences. A company director was sentenced on Friday 26 April, following successful pr...
Reliable health information and signposting to activities and support available at your local library July, Wiltshire Libraries is teaming up with Wiltshire Council's Public Health, Leisure and Active Health services to host an information month to promote ...