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Strategic Planning Committee defers Westbury incinerator planning application after considering new information Council's Strategic Planning Committee voted to defer the planning application from Northacre Renewable Energy Ltd for an energy...
Applying for a school place school? If your child's birth date is between Apply for a school place from Application Deadline School start in 1 September 2020...
Apply for a school place because they have been excluded. These are known as 'transfers' or 'in-year' applications. You should not remove your child from their current...
Choosing a school you complete your application for a school place you should consider the following: you will not be able to make an application until...
Application submitted for affordable council homes Council has submitted a planning application for 33 affordable houses at Lower Park Farm, Caen Hill, in Devizes.
Privacy notice - Planning The Council's Data Protection Officer can be contacted at . Submission of Planning Applications All planning applications received...
Made plans adopted, Neighbourhood Plans form part of the local statutory development plan which forms the basis for determining planning ...
Maps for planning are now able to print the latest large-scale maps from Ordnance Survey for planning applications, Land Registry searches, insurance...
Pre-application advice offer a pre-application advice service to anyone wanting help with a development before the submission of a planning application. The aim...
How to make an application gives homeowners some simple advice about putting in a building regulations application: Guidance on making a Building Control application...