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Bank Holiday visitors to Wiltshire beauty spot urged to plan ahead Castle Combe Parish Council is asking people looking to visit Castle Combe to plan their trip responsibly. Located within the...
Wiltshire Council's response to the government's National Planning Policy Framework consultation
Cabinet to consider moving forward with consultation for Local Transport Plan's Cabinet will decide on the next steps for the emerging Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4). If Cabinet agrees that LTP4 can move...
Help shape the Local Transport Plan for Wiltshire as consultation begins Council is asking people to give their views on the Local Transport Plan 4 (LPT4), as the consultation has begun and runs...
Applying for transport apply for transport you will need to complete the appropriate application form for your child's age. Transport application forms are available...
Planning Enforcement Policy 2024 - How we respond to cases of non-compliance are several ways an investigation can evolve. Some can be resolved very quickly, while others may go on for many months or even years. Some investigations...
New Trowbridge leisure centre - engagement gets underway and all stakeholders able to provide their feedback on Wiltshire Council's plans to build a new leisure centre in Trowbridge...
Streets and street scene, dog mess, graffiti, and removing dead animals. Guidance on dropped kerb applications, and permissions needed for hanging banners or...
Determined Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Primary Schools for 2025/26 - 1. General Information policy applies solely to applications for places at Voluntary Controlled (VC) and Community (C) Primary, Infant and Junior Schools. Foundation...
How to become an approved venue application procedure for venue approval is very straightforward and advice is available throughout the process from the Ceremonies Compliance...