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Local Plan - Wiltshire's Local Plan Wiltshire, our current Local Plan is the (WCS), adopted in 2015. This incorporates , that were not replaced by the WCS, and will...
Wiltshire Council successful in Old Sarum Airfield legal battle Airfield Ltd over an alleged breach of contract regarding an unsuccessful planning application on the site. Wiltshire Council has...
Wiltshire Council invests an extra £1m into improving planning service Council has announced an extra £1m investment into its planning teams to deliver a first-class planning service with faster decision-making...
Cabinet to consider ambitious Local Plan ahead of public consultation will consider the review of the Wiltshire Local Plan at its next meeting on Tuesday 11 July, as this important document approaches...
Chippenham Avon Project Masterplan Consultation document - 11 Status and role of this masterplan Project. It is proposed it will be endorsed by Wiltshire Council's Strategic Planning Committee so it carries significant weight as...
Neighbourhood Planning Neighbourhood Planning is provides an opportunity to change attitudes towards development through positive engagement by local communities,...
Developer Contributions - Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) on 18 May 2015, and will be charged on all CIL liable developments granted planning permission on or after this date. CIL forms...
People invited to have their say on the next stage of plans to create additional places for SEND pupils build for SEND pupils which will provide much needed additional spaces. The planning application for Silverwood School at its Rowde...
Current pre-application advice charges have re-introduced the pre-application service for householder enquiries. Householder applications are defined as the following: an application...
Zoo licensing guidance notes - Applications new applications at least two months prior to placing an application with the authority the potential zoo operator must provide in writing...