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Building control - application forms risk buildings applications From 1 October 2023, building control applications for buildings that meet the high-risk definition can only...
Have your say receive updates from us. There are several ways you are able to have your say, these are: (planning applications)
Contact Building Control Council's Building Control team for advice, queries or support related to planning applications, building regulations and more.
Planning policy policy is used to help determine planning applications, guiding what can be built, where, and how. It is also used to plan for...
Pre-application advice pre-application development advice from Wiltshire Council. Understand planning policies and prepare your proposal for a smoother application...
New Trowbridge leisure centre gets planning permission planning application for a proposed new leisure centre in Trowbridge has been approved. The application was given the green light,...
Council agrees to submit Local Plan for consideration by Planning Inspector (Tuesday 15 October), Wiltshire Council confirmed that the Wiltshire Local Plan will be submitted to the Secretary of State before...
Cabinet agrees to approve Local Plan Council's Cabinet has approved the next steps for the Wiltshire Local Plan, allowing it to move forward to Full Council for...
Committee meeting calendar council has four area planning committees and one strategic planning committee that determine planning applications and other matters...
Cabinet to consider responses to Local Plan consultation Council's Cabinet will consider the next steps for the Wiltshire Local Plan, ahead of the proposed submission to the Secretary...