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Planning Consultation Guidance Notes - 1. Purpose of this document Wiltshire Council Environmental Control and Protection Officers when reviewing planning applications and making recommendations to the...
Business and Planning Act 2020 are already permitted ON and OFF-Sales, the following types of conditions (if applicable on the licence) will be suspended: Any conditions...
Land Charges Con 29 29 question Where to find the information 1.1 Planning and building decisions and pending decisions. Which of the following relating...
Complaints, and which routes you can take for a quicker response to specific issues like a planning application, or a parking ticket. We...
Do I need planning permission? of use, and minor works, that can be carried out without the need to apply for planning permission. These types of work or development...
2,500 years of history uncovered in Melksham as the Iron Age (700BC to AD43), found by Cotswold Archaeology. As part of the planning process, all major planning applications...
Chippenham Site Allocations Plan of the Chippenham Site Allocations Plan Following the adoption of the Chippenham Site Allocations Plan was approved by . For...
Future Chippenham consultation Chippenham road route options Important notice: Local Plan Review Wiltshire Council as Local Planning Authority recently undertook...
Abbeyfield School extension plans to be shared with the public can visit the school on Wednesday 11 January from 5pm - 7:30pm to view the plans and talk to the design team about the proposed...
Marlborough Neighbourhood Plan legal challenge is refused Neighbourhood Planning process in Marlborough is expected to move to the referendum stage after a resident's application for a judicial...