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Do I need planning permission? advice on whether you need planning permission. Learn about permitted development, pre-application advice and how to apply for planning...
Planning appeals as to how to make a planning appeal against a decision the local Wiltshire Council planning authority have made.
Statement of Community Involvement clarity on how we will engage with our local communities and stakeholders on planning matters including both plan-making and decision...
Local Plan - Wiltshire's Local Plan Wiltshire's Local Plan for sustainable growth and development. Learn about housing, infrastructure and environmental priorities.
Writing ecological surveys to inform the planning necessary components of an ecological survey and lists a number of important planning documents that may be needed to inform your ecological...
Writing a construction method statement a construction method statement to support a planning application All but the smallest developments will require the production...
Gypsy and Travellers - planning 20 August - Friday 4 October 2024 The draft Gypsies and Travellers Development Plan Document was considered by Cabinet on 15...
Planning Consultation Guidance Notes - 6 Specific Guidance for Proposed Developments Introduction to the section Where applications contain noise sensitive uses or noise sources which may have an impact upon existing noise-sensitive...
Planning Consultation Guidance Notes - 1. Purpose of this document Wiltshire Council Environmental Control and Protection Officers when reviewing planning applications and making recommendations to the...
Environmental advice for developers and planning agents and planning agents are encouraged to read the following guidance to better understand the Environmental Control and Protection...