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  • Latest progress

    There are a number of Town and Parish Council's developing Neighbourhood Plans across Wiltshire. Once a Neighbourhood Plan is initiated...

  • Statement of Community Involvement

    ...provides clarity on how we will engage with our local communities and stakeholders on planning matters including both plan-making and decision...

  • Writing ecological surveys to inform the planning

    ...the necessary components of an ecological survey and lists a number of important planning documents that may be needed to inform your ecological...

  • Writing a construction method statement

    Writing a construction method statement to support a planning application All but the smallest developments will require the production...

  • Gypsy and Travellers - planning

    ...Tuesday 20 August - Friday 4 October 2024 The draft Gypsies and Travellers Development Plan Document was considered by Cabinet on 15...

  • Planning Consultation Guidance Notes - 6 Specific Guidance for Proposed Developments

    6.1 Introduction to the section Where applications contain noise sensitive uses or noise sources which may have an impact upon existing noise-sensitive...

  • Planning Consultation Guidance Notes - 1. Purpose of this document Wiltshire Council Environmental Control and Protection Officers when reviewing planning applications and making recommendations to the...

  • Business and Planning Act 2020

    ...which are already permitted ON and OFF-Sales, the following types of conditions (if applicable on the licence) will be suspended: Any conditions...

  • Land Charges Con 29

    Con 29 question Where to find the information 1.1 Planning and building decisions and pending decisions. Which of the following relating...

  • Complaints

    ...complaint, and which routes you can take for a quicker response to specific issues like a planning application, or a parking ticket. We...

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