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Shared Lives and Shared Days


What is Shared Lives

Shared Lives is a bit like fostering, but with the big difference that it is for people over 16 who want to live as independently as possible. Shared Lives carers provide people with the practical and emotional support they need to live life the way they want to. It is a completely flexible support service that can work for people from all walks of life, with all levels of need.

Who needs a Shared Lives Carer

Our customers are adults with learning difficulties, mental or physical health needs, or are elderly and need support and care to live as independently as possible in the community. They have a wide range of abilities and support needs. Some are fairly independent and only need guidance, reminders or explanation, others need assistance with most day-to-day needs.

Customers and carers are matched in terms of interests and location so that living together is an enjoyable, fulfilling, and valuable experience for all.

What Shared Lives carers do

As a Shared Lives Carer, you will support people to meet their goals, in whatever ways they need you to. You can either support someone while they live in your house with you and your family, or they can stay with you for a shorter period of time. 

Alternatively, you can support someone for a few hours during the day. Our Shared Days service enables carers to support people for a few hours during the day.

You might support someone to:

  • look after their finances
  • get involved in their community
  • go out on their own for the first time
  • make new friends
  • travel the world
  • manage anxiety
  • get into education
  • learn how to bake
  • get their dream job
  • support and offer guidance to Look after their baby
  • start a new life addiction-free 
  • do practical things in everyday life like washing, going to the loo or eating

The possibilities are as unique as each of the people we support.

For more information, please use the form link below to enter your details, and we will call you.

Shared Lives initial enquiry form

Who Shared Lives carers support

Our Shared Lives carers support people from all different backgrounds with different goals and needs. As a Shared Lives carer, you could support:

  • people who are aged 16 and transitioning from children's care whom have an eligible need
  • people who have learning disabilities
  • people who have a mental health condition
  • people who have physical or sensory disabilities
  • people who are recovering from an addiction
  • people who have been in hospital and need a hand getting back on their feet again
  • new mums who need a bit of support in the early days
  • anyone else who needs or wants some support to live life to the fullest

 For more information, please use the form link below to enter your details, and we will call you.

Shared Lives initial enquiry form

Personal care support

Personal care support involves things like supporting someone to brush their hair, to wash, to go to the loo and other parts of taking care of ourselves like these. Not everyone who uses Shared Lives needs personal care support. 

You can decide if you would be willing to learn how to provide personal care. Anyone who feels they want to provide this support as part of their service as a carer will be fully trained by us. 
If personal care support is not something you want to provide as a carer, that is absolutely fine. We match carers and the people they support carefully to ensure it is enjoyable, fulfilling and valuable experience for all.

For more information, please use the form link below to enter your details, and we will call you.

Shared Lives initial enquiry form

About Shared Lives and Shared Days carers

Shared Lives and shared Days carers do not need qualifications but should have a wide range of skills and life experience. As long as you are willing to share your life with others and provide care and support, we would love to hear from you.

Carers are self-employed and you can choose how much support you want to offer and who you support. This is an amazing opportunity to work from home as a carer, doing hours you choose.

Shared Lives carers come from diverse backgrounds. They may be single or couples, with or without children living at home. They can be any age over 18 years.

For more information, please use the form link below to enter your details, and we will call you.

Shared Lives initial enquiry form

What carers receive

A job that fits around your life!

Being a Shared Lives carer is really flexible. You can support up to three people, working hours that suit you and that fit around your family.

You can usually work as a carer while having another job. Some carers start by supporting one person alongside another non-caring job, find that they love being a Shared Lives carer, and gradually increase their hours supporting other people until they are a full-time Shared Lives carer.

Carers receive training and support. We have a Shared Lives forum that meets every month where you can meet with other carers and customers.

You will be self-employed, but we will be with you every step of the way, and you will have your own personal team who will be there for you anytime you need us.

How much carers receive

  • Shared Lives carers can receive up to £668.73 per week depending on the level of support provided.
  • Shared Days carers receive £24.62 for two hours, £48.82 for four hours and £73.23 for six hours.
  • carers are self employed and eligible for tax breaks and can claim mileage. 
  • access to our shopping rewards scheme
  • a discount at Wiltshire Council leisure facilities
  • membership of Shared Lives Plus

For more information, please use the form link below to enter your details, and we will call you.

Shared Lives initial enquiry form

Support someone for the day

You can care for someone during the day as a Shared Days carer.

With our Shared Days service, you can support people to do the things they enjoy most. This can be out and about or in your home, for a set amount of time.
You do not need any qualifications or previous caring experience, we will train you.  

Lots of people start off being a Shared Days carer, really enjoy it, and then decide they want to do more and support someone who moves in with them and their family.

Shared Days carers who care for someone during the day often do so in addition to another job. You can be a Shared Days carer as an extra source of income.

Caring for someone during the daytime only involves:

  • having the person at your house for a while (an excellent excuse to eat loads of cake and drink  loads of tea)
  • getting out and about into your community to do things the person you are supporting enjoys (who knows, you might even find yourself a new hobby)
  • supporting the person using the service to find their independence as much as possible
  • helping the person to reach their goals, whatever they may be
  • teaching them new skills
  • giving them a confidence boost
  • keeping them safe and well
  • building up a lovely friendship with the person you support

For more information, please use the form link below to enter your details, and we will call you.

Shared Lives enquiry form

Continue caring for someone you foster after they turn 16 years old

If you are a foster carer, and the young adult you foster is about to leave the children's care system, and has an eligible need you can become a self-employed Shared Lives carer with Wiltshire Council and continue to support them into adult life.  You can be part of our Shared Lives: Move On Together service.

You will need to apply and be assessed as one of our Shared Lives carers, but once you have come through the process, you will be able to continue supporting the person you are caring for as a Shared Lives carer within the scheme.

  • work the hours you want to work
  • continue being a foster carer alongside being a Shared Lives carer
  • support the people you foster to become as independent as possible
  • watch as the people you have fostered flourish into adult life with your support.

The young adult you are fostering will also become part of our Shared Lives service for people with an eligible need who are about to leave foster care.

For more information, please use the form link below to enter your details, and we will call you.

Shared Lives initial enquiry form

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