Shared Lives and Shared Days
Support someone for the day
You can care for someone during the day as a Shared Days carer.
With our Shared Days service, you can support people to do the things they enjoy most. This can be out and about or in your home, for a set amount of time.
You do not need any qualifications or previous caring experience, we will train you.
Lots of people start off being a Shared Days carer, really enjoy it, and then decide they want to do more and support someone who moves in with them and their family.
Shared Days carers who care for someone during the day often do so in addition to another job. You can be a Shared Days carer as an extra source of income.
Caring for someone during the daytime only involves:
- having the person at your house for a while (an excellent excuse to eat loads of cake and drink loads of tea)
- getting out and about into your community to do things the person you are supporting enjoys (who knows, you might even find yourself a new hobby)
- supporting the person using the service to find their independence as much as possible
- helping the person to reach their goals, whatever they may be
- teaching them new skills
- giving them a confidence boost
- keeping them safe and well
- building up a lovely friendship with the person you support
For more information, please use the form link below to enter your details, and we will call you.