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Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs)

Cycling and walking are an important part of Wiltshire Local Transport Plan. We are in the process of developing Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) for the principal settlements and market towns in Wiltshire, as well as the key routes between them. To plan your journey, please make use of our Journey planners or take a look at Wiltshire's cycle routes (opens new window).

Calne and Melksham LCWIPs

The consultation on the prioritised routes for the Calne and Melksham LCWIPs has now closed.

This was the second and final stage of consultation and all comments will now be considered before the final LCWIPs for both Calne and Melksham are agreed and published.

Chippenham, Devizes and Trowbridge LCWIPs

You can view the final for Devizes and Trowbridge LCWIPs in the 'downloads' section on this page. The Chippenham LCWIP will be published soon.

Salisbury and Wiltshire-wide LCWIPs 

The consultation for these two LCWIPs has now closed. You can view the draft LCWIPs in the 'downloads' section on this page.

Many of the routes shown on maps in these documents can also be seen in more detail at: Wiltshire Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Routes (opens new window).

If you are unable to access any LCWIP documents, a copy can be sent to you on request by calling Transport Planning on 01225 713486. You can also call to request accessible versions of the document or email (opens new window).


Wayfinding is how we use directional signs, maps and physical surroundings such as road markings to find our way to the places we want to go. Improved wayfinding in Wiltshire will help to encourage walking, cycling and public transport usage, as well as creating a more pleasant visitor experience for shoppers and tourists.

A Wayfinding Strategy for people who walk and cycle was developed in 2014, Wiltshire's wayfinding strategy (PDF, 15 MB)(opens new window).

An updated strategy and implementation plans will be developed as part of the fourth Local Transport Plan.

Sign Placement Plans (2014)

Chippenham sign placement plan (PDF, 18 MB)(opens new window) 

Devizes sign placement plan- part 1 (PDF, 16 MB)(opens new window) 

Devizes sign placement plan- part 2 (PDF, 4 MB)(opens new window) 

Melksham sign placement plan (PDF, 14 MB)(opens new window) 

Salisbury sign placement plan (PDF, 16 MB)(opens new window) 

Trowbridge sign placement plan- part 1 (PDF, 16 MB)(opens new window)

Trowbridge sign placement plan- part 2 (PDF, 5 MB)(opens new window) 

Warminster sign placement plan (PDF, 18 MB)(opens new window)

Westbury sign placement plan- part 1 (PDF, 9 MB)(opens new window)

Westbury sign placement plan- part 2 (PDF, 9 MB)(opens new window)

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