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Where does your waste and recycling go

Materials collected for recycling from Wiltshire residents are sent to reprocessors to be turned into new products or raw materials to go back into the manufacturing process.

In the financial year 2022 to 23 we recycled, reused or composted 39.8% of Wiltshire's household waste (please note this figure has yet to be validated by external organisations).

Of the total municipal waste collected for recycling, reuse or composting by Wiltshire Council, 97% was managed within the UK and not exported abroad. A further 2% was reprocessed within the European Union (EU) - this consisted of some paper, cardboard, plastics, and household batteries. The remaining 1% was exported outside of the EU - this consisted of textiles collected at our Household recycling centres (HRCs), which were reused, and a small percentage of kerbside collected cardboard and plastics.

The table below shows where your waste and recycling was sent in the last financial year (2022 to 2023). If you would like more detailed information on the End Destination Register, contact the Waste team by email at (opens new window).

Where your waste and recycling was sent (2022 to 2023) - End Destination Register for municipal waste

Recycling and reuse

Landfill diversion and energy recovery

Non-hazardous and hazardous landfill

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