Wiltshire workspace strategy
The Wiltshire Workspace and Employment Land Strategy 2009 (WWELS) and associated Delivery Plan assesses the employment land requirements in Wiltshire in the 2006-2026 period and forms an important part of the evidence base for the Wiltshire Core Strategy. This study includes a detailed investigation of future employment land requirements and was based on existing policy, comprehensive consultation and an assessment of the demand for and supply of employment land.
In the downloads section you will find all the information on strategy and delivery plan and their appendices.
Downloads: Strategy
Wiltshire Workspace and Employment Land Strategy document (PDF, 501 KB)(opens new window)
Appendix 1a - Development Viability Assessment Assumptions (PDF, 142 KB)(opens new window)
Appendix 1b - Office Assumptions (PDF, 33 KB)(opens new window)
Appendix 1c - Industrial Assumptions (PDF, 34 KB)(opens new window)
Appendix 2 - Strategic Employment Sites (PDF, 105 KB)(opens new window)
Appendix 3 Consultations (PDF, 66 KB)(opens new window)
Appendix 4 - Market Town pro formas (PDF, 224 KB)(opens new window)
Appendix 5 - SIC to use Class Matrices (PDF, 22 KB)(opens new window)
Appendix 6 - Employment and Development Density Assumptions (PDF, 143 KB)(opens new window)
Downloads: Delivery plan
Wiltshire Work Space and Employment Land Delivery Plan (PDF, 532 KB)(opens new window)
Work Space Strategy - Appendix 1 Summary Tables (PDF, 173 KB)(opens new window)
Work Space Strategy - Appendix 2 Site Map (PDF, 3 MB)(opens new window)
Work Space Strategy - Appendix 3 Site Assessment Summaries (PDF, 738 KB)(opens new window)
Work Space Strategy - Appendix 4 List of Consultees (PDF, 135 KB)(opens new window)