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Council wants young peoples' views on community based activities aimed at them

Aged between 13 and 19? Please get involved

Published 6 October 2021
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Young people across the county are being encouraged to complete a survey to help shape the community based activities aimed at them.

Wiltshire Council's Area Board Wiltshire Youth Survey runs until Friday 22 October and should not take more than five minutes to complete. The survey is aimed at young people aged between 13 - 19 and up to 25 for those with SEND.

The aim of the survey is to understand how well council-funded activities are received by young people, including arts, sports, leisure and informal education - and what more they'd like to potentially see provided for them in the future. The feedback will help ensure the area board funding that is specifically aimed at young people is being invested in the right areas.

Cllr Ashley O'Neill, Wiltshire Council Cabinet Member for Communities and Area Boards, said:

The results of this survey will give us a really good insight into what services young people value and are engaged with, and those that are not quite as well received.

We work closely with young people in lots of ways, but we don't want to simply assume what services and activities they like so getting their input will be really valuable.

The pandemic has had an impact on all of us one way or another, and that too could be a factor in the services that young people want and are passionate about, so now's the right time to get some feedback.

I encourage as many young people as possible to get involved in the survey and thank everyone for taking the time to complete it.

We'll look at the feedback carefully and report back on what it told us.

If anyone has any additional questions they can contact their local Community Engagement Manager, and their contact details can be found at area boards webpage.

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