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Five to Thrive: Attachment, Trauma and Resilience Training

Five to Thrive: Attachment, Trauma and Resilience is an ambitious training programme for people who work with expectant parents, children, young people and families. It provides high level training to ensure those working with these groups can provide a positive impact. The workforce will be able to:

  • support secure attachment: building healthy relationships which are essential to wellbeing
  • promote self-regulation and resilience: better support people to manage their emotions and behaviours positively which will help strengthen their ability to recover quicker from difficulties
  • be trauma informed: understand the potential impact of trauma on children and young people and know how best to respond
  • understand the impact of adult responses to the behaviour of children, young people and families to improve outcomes
  • develop a common language and understanding.

For more information and resources

Go to KCA training (opens new window) and click on the link to register. This will then give you access to a range of resources and information developed by Kate Cairns Associates (KCA), the training provider for this programme.

Please see Five to Thrive: Attachment, Trauma and Resilience in Wiltshire (PDF, 5 MB)(opens new window) for reference and sharing with colleagues.

Five to Thrive provides emotional nurture that is as important in feeding the brain as physical nurture is in feeding the body.


*What are attachment needs?

Attachment needs occur when someone feels critically unsafe or that they do not matter. This then triggers attachment behaviours.

For babies, attachment behaviours include: crying, screaming, back-arching (aversive attachment behaviours) or smiling, gurgling, cooing (attractive attachment behaviours). Attractive attachment behaviours stop if there is no response.

In later childhood or adulthood, unregulated stress can trigger aversive attachment behaviours such as fight, flight or freeze.

**Strengths-based model

Five to Thrive is to be used as a model that empowers people and builds on their strengths. It enables practitioners to:

  • Recognise the positive impact of  'Five to Thrive' interactions when working with children, young people and families.
  • Support parents to notice when positive Five to Thrive interactions are happening and to share the knowledge that this interaction is promoting healthy brain development and/or supporting healthy brain function as well as promoting self-regulation and resilience.
  • Support young people to understand the basic principles of healthy human interaction and how this can help them and others.

This strengths-based approach is encouraging and empowering for practitioners and parents and motivates them to repeat this style of interacting.

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