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Our budgets and spending

Budgets and spending

The council's budget is prepared annually and is a process which is undertaken alongside budget monitoring to regularly update the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS).

Statement of accounts

The Annual Statement of Accounts is an important statutory document produced and published by the council every year.

Business plan

This business plan sets out our priorities and how we will deliver them working closely with local communities and partners.


The Whistleblowing process described here is for Wiltshire Council employees. If you are a member of the public that wishes to raise concerns, please see complaints.

The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000

The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA) was enacted in order to regulate the use of a range of investigative powers by a variety of public authorities. It gives a statutory framework for the authorisation and conduct of certain types of covert surveillance operation.

The Procurement Team

The procurement team provides specialist procurement resources working across the full commercial cycle including commissioning, procurement and contract management.

Open data

As part of our commitment to be an open and transparent council, and to comply with the local government transparency code, we publish information about the council, our staff and what we spend as open data. This data is made public under the Open Government Licence, which encourages the 'use and re-use of the Information that is available under this licence freely and flexibly'.

Section 52/251 statements

Local Authorities (LA) are required under Section 52 of the Schools Standards and Framework Act 1998 to prepare a budget statement by the 31 March each year for the following financial year (e.g. by 31 March 2008 the LA should have prepared a Section 52 Budget Statement for 2009/2010 financial year). After the end of that financial year LAs are also required to prepare an outturn statement, which provides details of expenditure for the financial year.

Community right to challenge

The Community Right to Challenge allows Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) groups, parish councils and 2 or more members of council staff to Express an Interest in running a council service.

Anti-Money Laundering Policy

Version 0.1 2024

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