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Contact Wiltshire Council, online, by phone or in writing.

You can request and pay for most services, and find information quickly and easily on this website.

Doing things online is the easiest way to contact us and the website can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

To go to the relevant part of the website to find what you want you can:

  • use the navigation bar at the top of the screen to:
    • Report something from the "Report" menu
    • Pay for something from the "Pay" menu
    • Apply for something from the "Apply" menu
  • choose the service you want from the Services drop down at the top of every page
  • use the search bar at the top of every page

Council offices are open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm

By email or telephone


Worried about a child? If you believe a child or young person is at risk of significant harm, neglect or injury, report your concerns to the Children's Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0300 4560108.

Adult Care - telephone 0300 456 0111 or email (opens new window) (visit Your Care Your Support Wiltshire (opens new window) for adult social care information and guidance)

Automated Payment Line - telephone 0300 456 0119

Benefits - telephone 0300 456 0110 or email (opens new window)

Blue Badges - telephone 01225 713002 or email (opens new window)

Building Control - telephone 0300 456 0113 or email (opens new window)

Children's Services: Early Help - telephone 01225 718 230

Children's Services: Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) - telephone 01225 757985

Children's Services Social Care:

  • North - 01249 707 900
  • East - 01380 826 250
  • South - 01722 438 165
  • West - 01225 718 555

Corporate Investigation Team - telephone 01249 706 456 or email (opens new window)

Council Tax - telephone 0300 456 0109 or email (opens new window)

Elections - telephone 0300 456 0112 or email (opens new window)

Early years and childcare - telephone 0300 003 4561 or email (opens new window)

Fraud - telephone 01249 706456 (24 hour hotline)

Highways - telephone 0300 456 0105 or use report non-urgent highway defects.

Homes4Wiltshire (opens new window) (applying to the housing register) - telephone 0300 456 0106 or if already registered and have a query  - email (opens new window)

Housing  advice and homelessness matters - email  (opens new window) or telephone 0300 456 0106

Visit Leisure and sport centres for individual sports centre contact details.

Libraries - visit Contact libraries services for more information.

Parking - telephone 0124 970 6131 or email (opens new window)

Pest controlNoise and Pollution, Environmental Health - telephone 0300 456 0107 or email (opens new window)

Planning and building control - telephone 0300 456 0114 (lines open 11am - 4pm Monday to Friday) or email (opens new window)


Rubbish and recycling - telephone 0300 456 0102 or email (opens new window)

Schools Admissions - telephone 01225 713010 or email (opens new window)

School Transport - telephone 01225 712852 or email (opens new window)

Transport services

Customer services

It's usually much quicker to contact the service you require directly

Telephone: 0300 456 0100 (lines open 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday).

Email: (opens new window)

Press and media

Email: (opens new window) 

In an emergency

The emergency number is for use in extreme circumstances, where there's an immediate threat to health and safety (out of our office hours).

Out of hours emergency telephone number: 03004 560 100

This will give you a menu of options to choose from:

  • Emergency adult and child social care
  • Emergency housing needs
  • Emergency highway faults
  • Building control emergencies (dangerous structures)

Telephone call charges

Ofcom has changed the way consumers are charged for calling service numbers. Calling the numbers below means users will also be charged the per minute access charge that is set by their phone provider.

  • Calls to free-phone numbers i.e. 0800 and 0808 are free 
  • 084 numbers have a service charge of up to 7p per minute or call
  • 087 numbers have a service charge of up to 13p per minute or call
  • 09 numbers have a service charge of up to £3.60 per minute or £6.00 per call

Calls to 0300 numbers and those starting with 01 or 02 are unaffected.

In person

You can visit us at one of the following locations:

  • County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 8JQ
  • Monkton Park offices, Monkton Hill, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN15 1ER
  • Bourne Hill, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP1 3UZ

Council offices are open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.


We can be contacted by post at the following address:

Wiltshire Council
Bythesea Road
BA14 8JN

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