Budgets and spending
The council's budget is prepared annually and is a process which is undertaken alongside budget monitoring to regularly update the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) and finishes with the production of the budget which is approved by Full Council in February.
Medium Term Financial Strategy
The Medium Term Financial Strategy ("MTFS") is a three-year rolling plan. It is a strategic document produced to provide members with an indication of the potential size of the authority's revenue budget over the next three years, the anticipated resource levels and the impact of this on our activities and delivery of the council's Business Plan.
The MTFS provides a context for the budget and enables the council to consider the medium-term impact of financial and performance decisions with the knowledge of the potential impact on the levels of council tax in the following three years.
It allows the council to identify expenditure trends, plan developments and identify the impact on the revenue budget.
Draft Budget 2024/25
The Draft Budget 2024/25 and Medium-Term Financial Strategy 2024/25 to 2026/27 can be accessed via Draft Budget 2024/25 (PDF) [3MB] (opens new window) .