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What happens next?

The recruitment process

The assessment process

If you've already been a foster carer or have relevant skills and experience in childcare we may 'fast-track' your application. 

The fostering assessment is always carried out by a qualified social worker and they will involve you throughout. You'll be able to read and comment on their report, which will make a recommendation about your suitability to foster.

The fostering panel is made up of professionals and laypersons connected to fostering e.g. a foster carer or health professional. The panel makes a recommendation to a senior manager, who then makes the final decision on your suitability as a foster carer. Once you're approved, you'll meet your supervising social worker and together we can start matching you to children needing a foster family.

Find out more about fostering

Foster carer said:

We've been fostering a gorgeous eight-year-old boy for nearly two years. Initially for respite and then short term. He never used to smile...could barely read or write...grunted more than talked and survived on very little sleep.

Now he smiles all the time, reads better than some of his classmates, corrects our spoken English, has had a headteacher's award for his handwriting, rarely stops chattering away and sleeps 12 hours a night.

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