Salisbury junction improvements
Wiltshire Council will be carrying out improvements at Harnham Gyratory to increase capacity and improve road safety. A new traffic lane will be added to New Bridge Road in a southbound direction, and changes will be made to the traffic signal timings.
Pedestrian and cycleway improvements will include changes to the crossing arrangements at Harnham Gyratory, and a wider pedestrian and cyclist route alongside New Bridge Road into Downton Road.
At Exeter Street Roundabout there will be changes to the lane markings, signing and a traffic island.
Previous proposals for the junctions were the subject of a public consultation carried out in June and July 2021. The proposals were submitted for inclusion in the Department for Transport's Major Road Network Programme, but did not meet stringent financial and budget requirements and as the study progressed it became evident that it would not be possible to put forward a viable business case.
Subsequently it was decided to not proceed with the Major Road Network scheme and instead to develop a smaller scale scheme.
The design of the revised scheme is now being finalised and it is hoped to start construction next year. The works will be co-ordinated with other improvement and maintenance work being carried out on the local road network as it is appreciated that the junctions are often busy and congested. It is likely that public utility's services will need to be diverted in advance of the road construction.
A progress update was provided to Salisbury City Council at its full Council meeting on 4 September 2023. This presentation can be found under the downloads section of this web page.