New Year - new opportunities: Find out about Family and Community Learning courses
Boosting your employability skills, helping your child with anxiety and worry and discovering wellbeing and confidence are just some of the free courses people can sign up to in the new year in Wiltshire.
Boosting your employability skills, helping your child with anxiety and worry and discovering wellbeing and confidence are just some of the free courses people can sign up to in the new year in Wiltshire.
Eligible people wanting to start 2023 with fresh learning under their belt can have a look at a raft of courses by Wiltshire Council's Family and Community Learning (FaCL) team which has tutors ready to welcome people for courses both in person and online.
People can find out about the courses by going to Work Wiltshire pages where they can book online and join the courses.
Recently the FaCL team has been rated Good by Ofsted with inspectors saying learners "feel well supported by tutors who help them build their self-confidence. and improve their well-being. The FaCL team aligns with the council business plan priorities to help people be empowered to have the skills to lead full and enriched lives.
Courses include a single session online course around helping your child with anxiety and worry using practical methods to help. Another is around boosting your employability skills covering job searching, applications, CVs and interview skills. Another is on wellbeing and feeling more resilient and in control by discovering healthy coping strategies for stressful times.
To be eligible for the courses you must be over 19 and resident in the UK or EU for more than three years and live in Wiltshire and tick any one of these criteria
- Less than 5 GCSEs grades A-C
- English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
- In receipt of benefits
- Military family
- Family with a child with special educational needs and or disabilities
- Unemployed and seeking employment
Adults with certain types of immigration status and their family members are also eligible to join our courses.
Cllr Laura Mayes, Cabinet Member for Education and Skills said: Our courses are free and can help provide you with skills for a new job, help your child with school or generally learn how to build your confidence and wellbeing - there will be a course to help you. The team has rightly been praised by Ofsted and we want to ensure more eligible people can enjoy and benefit from the range of courses available. 2023 is a new year with new beginnings and taking a course can be a good step in the right direction.
FaCL has a number of courses upcoming in January including well-being and boosting employability skills. Information about the courses is on the Work Wiltshire website at Family and Community Learning - Work Wiltshire (opens new window).