Seventy Wiltshire schools achieve Healthy Schools Award
Schools in Wiltshire have gained awards for hitting top marks for encouraging healthy lifestyles and wellbeing.

Schools in Wiltshire have gained awards for hitting top marks for encouraging healthy lifestyles and wellbeing.
Healthy Schools is a Wiltshire Council programme designed to effectively address the health and wellbeing of children and young people.
Using the whole school approach and teaching Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education, schools can build on previous developments to actively promote learning and healthy lifestyle choices. Support provided aims to build the capacity of schools to deliver effective and sustainable interventions for all children.
Schools can apply for accreditation at three levels: bronze, silver or gold, starting with bronze level. Currently 70 schools hold the accreditation, with 14 receiving the award this term.
Cllr Laura Mayes, Cabinet Member for Children's Services said: Our Healthy Schools programme recognises the hard work of our school communities to create a healthy space for pupils to learn and grow. We have some amazing initiatives from schools who have taken a step back and considered what would really make a difference and these have had a positive impact on pupils and the whole school community. I'm delighted that so many schools have received this award and I would encourage more to come forward in the future.
The latest to achieve the accolade is Kingdown School in Warminster, receiving a silver award for its work focused on improving the mental health and emotional wellbeing of students. The work included the launch of a 'Wellbeing Champions' programme and consequently there has been a significant decrease in the number of students reporting anxiety, and an increase in the number of students feeling they have someone to speak to about their mental health.
Many schools achieving the award have also had a visit from Wiltshire Youth Councillors who have also provided their feedback on the schools.
Youth Councillors visited The Clarendon Academy, The Corsham School, Hardenhuish School, Kingdown School, The Trafalgar School at Downton and Wootton Bassett Infants' School to recognise their innovations and fresh approaches. Wootton Bassett Infants' School received a bronze award for their work to promote the health and the wellbeing of children. The Clarendon Academy received a bronze award for their work promoting personal development, including the enhancement of pastoral support and the PSHE curriculum.
The Corsham School received a Healthy Schools bronze award. Wiltshire Youth Councillors noted the great pastoral work, variety of food and extra-curricular activities and how students always feel there is someone they can talk to and raise issues with. Peer support has also been useful. Lunches have a wide variety of food options including vegan meals. There are also a great number of clubs and trips offered by the school.
The Trafalgar School at Downton received its bronze award for wide-ranging work which has included: a new wellbeing website for support, a refurbished restaurant with more efficient service, as well as work to further promote pupil voice and challenge discrimination. Youth Councillors visiting the school said they were warmly welcomed. They were also impressed by the strong pastoral support and options students have for extracurricular activities. But most of all they felt the teachers and students they met seemed safe and happy with their school overall.
Hardenhuish received a silver award for work in supporting students to reflect on their feelings. In addition to a new wellbeing webpage, the school introduced the 'daily dials' using the Mental Health Dashboard to look at what impacts on mental health and specific strategies that can be used to improve this. Pupil voice was also noted as a strength of the school, with students involved in decisions about uniform changes, behaviour policy updates, charity support, student surveys and also in new staff appointments.
Schools wanting to know more about healthy schools can contact (opens new window) or visit (opens new window) for more information.