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Choosing a pre-school or nursery


Pre-schools offer sessions of care, play and education for children between two and five years of age.

Groups are usually open in term time only, and for between four and ten sessions a week.

Working parents can combine a childminder and a pre-school group to provide childcare throughout the day. Increasingly lunch clubs and extended hours are offered by pre-schools.


Nurseries usually offer full day-care, play and education between 8am and 6pm all year round.

Nurseries cater for a wider range of children, often including babies.

Nursery classes

Nursery classes are attached to some Wiltshire primary and infant schools.

These classes cater for three and four-year-olds for a minimum of five half-day sessions per week in term time.

In all settings each child in a group will have their own keyworker and each group will have a SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator).

Nursery classes are free in state schools; independent schools set their own charges although early years entitlement hours are available in most independent schools for eligible children.

How to make a choice

The best way to decide whether a pre-school or nursery is right for your child is to visit while other children are there, taking your child with you.

It is also a good idea to talk to other parents and find out why they chose to send their child to a particular group.

How to find a pre-school or nursery

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