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Overview and Scrutiny

Overview and scrutiny is a statutory activity of the council. Its powers and responsibilities are set out in the council's constitution, the relevant sections can be viewed on the Democratic Services Online Document Library (opens new window) (Part 2 Article 6, and Part 8).

Wiltshire council is run by an elected leader and cabinet, often referred to as the council's executive. These are powerful positions taking key decisions on behalf of the people of Wiltshire, and it is therefore appropriate that they are held to public account for their actions. This is done through the council's overview and scrutiny function, which is undertaken by the non-executive councillors, and others invited to help.

The overview and scrutiny process is supported by a small, dedicated team of officers. They provide:

  • policy advice
  • undertake research
  • write reports
  • take meeting notes
  • produce meeting agendas


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