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Sex establishments

Sex Establishments are required to be licensed under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982, Schedule 3 (opens new window). Section 2 of the Act provides for the adoption of the provisions contained within Schedule 3, which then allows Local Authorities who have set in place these procedures to control sex establishments in their area by way of a licensing regime.

Licences are granted for a one-year period, subject to terms and conditions.

The supply, sale or demonstration of articles which are manufactured for use primarily for the purposes of birth control or primarily related to birth control are exempt.

New applications

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Application forms and notices

The application must be advertised by placing a notice on or near to the premises named in the application, where the Notice can conveniently be read by the public. This notice must be displayed for a period of 21 days.

Notice, in all cases, must include publishing an advertisement in a local newspaper.

To download a notice please select the link below.

Notice of application (PDF) [70KB] (opens new window)

Application form sex establishment (PDF) [369KB] (opens new window)

Standard conditions: sex shops (PDF) [115KB] (opens new window)  

Frequently asked questions


Notice of resolution May 2009 (PDF) [24KB] (opens new window)

Policy and regulations (PDF) [93KB] (opens new window)

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