Council to host webinar for people to find out 'all about potholes'
People across Wiltshire are being encouraged to sign up for a webinar to find out more about how the council manages potholes in the county.

People across Wiltshire are being encouraged to sign up for a webinar to find out more about how the council manages potholes in the county.
The webinar, which is being held from 6-7pm on Monday 19 June, will be hosted by Cllr Caroline Thomas, Wiltshire Council Cabinet Member for Transport, and will enable people to find out how potholes are inspected, prioritised and filled throughout the county, as well as information on long-term maintenance schedules and resurfacing.
There will also be the opportunity for people to ask questions to the panel, and people can also submit written questions beforehand - though questions should be focused on the general issue of potholes and highways maintenance, rather than specific potholes.
Cllr Thomas said: We know how passionate people are about potholes, and this is a good opportunity for people to find out more about what we're doing across the county to tackle the issue.
The recent increase in the number of potholes is a national issue that has been caused by hot and dry summer of 2022, combined with the very wet and then cold weather experienced this past winter, which has created the ideal conditions for potholes to form.
One of our Business Plan commitments is to have well-connected communities, and that's why we're doing all we can to tackle the problem.
People want to know what we're doing about the issue, and that's why we're hosting this webinar - to enable people to find out more and ask questions about the way we tackle potholes in Wiltshire.
Sign ups for the webinar have now closed. If you haven't received the link, please email (opens new window) and we will send it to you.
For the best experience, people should download Microsoft Teams to their computer or mobile device to access the webinar.
To report potholes, people should go to