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All visitors to view the Local Land Charges and Highway Records must pre-book (opens new window) a slot to visit beforehand. No one will be allowed access to the office without having pre-booked a slot in advance.
Slots will be available between 1pm and 5pm at 30 minute intervals from Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays). Bookings can be made up to 3 weeks in advance.
For Personal Search Agents accessing County Hall, appointments must be booked via the online booking system.
If you are displaying any COVID-19 like symptoms; or are socially isolating on grounds of health or age, you should not visit the office.
There should be no more than two search agents to be in the office at any one time.
In line with government advice and guidelines, members of the public are expected to wear face coverings in our libraries and main hubs. Therefore when you are entering County Hall, you will be required to wear a face covering unless you have a medical condition.
On arrival at County Hall you will be required to report to reception where Customer Services will inform the Local Land Charges or Highway Records team that you are waiting.
At reception you will be asked to hand sanitise.
A member of Local Land Charges or Highway records will collect you from reception and walk you to the records.
On arrival you will be expected to hand sanitise again, and then you will be required to hand sanitise after touching each record. Hand sanitiser will be provided.
Personal Search Agents will be allocated space on the plan table within the office environment to work, and will be expected to maintain social distancing in line with government guidance.
Wipes will be provided to wipe down the work space between each Personal Search Agent. It will be the responsibility of the Personal Search Agent to ensure the area has been wiped down and sanitised.
There will be a one-way system in operation, and you will exit the building from the side door.
The staff toilets will be made available to you during the time working in the office.
Any queries that you have about the records will need to be emailed to the team after your visit, under no circumstances will you be able to discuss issues with people who will be in the office overseeing the days appointments.
The Local Land Charges team will continue to email you the digital results as per the current procedure.
The Highway Records team will make everything available at County Hall and the online working of the definitive map of public rights of way can be accessed online (opens new window).
Please ensure visits are cancelled using the online cancellation form if you are unable to make your appointment.
Once you have completed your booking you will be emailed confirmation detailing the time and date of your booking.
New slots are added frequently during each day from late morning for dates three weeks in advance. If there are no slots available the date will be greyed out. If you cannot see any available slot, please check back later.