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Guide to the Call-in process

The call-in request: The outcome of the meeting (step 3)

Having debated the matter, O&S Management Committee may resolve any of the following:

a) That the principles of decision-making were not breached
In this case the decision can be implemented immediately.

b) That the principles of decision-making were breached and to refer it back to the decision-maker for reconsideration, setting out the nature of its concerns
In this case the decision maker must reconsider the decision within a further 5 clear working days of the O&S Management Committee meeting, taking into account its concerns, amending the decision or not, before adopting a final decision.

c) That the principles of decision-making were breached and to refer it to Full Council, setting out the nature of its concerns
This option is appropriate when the O&S Management Committee believes the decision to be either contrary to the council's policy framework, or contrary to, or not wholly consistent with, the council's budget.

In this unlikely event, Full Council will meet to consider the referral, taking into account O&S Management Committee's concerns.
(i) If Full Council does not object to the decision then it can be implemented immediately
(ii) If Full Council does object to the decision it will refer the decision back to the decision maker for reconsideration.

NB. Full Council cannot make decisions regarding a cabinet decision unless it is contrary to the policy framework, or contrary to, or not wholly consistent with, the budget. There are also extra provisions where councils have area committees with executive powers within their governance arrangements.

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