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Contact Housing Solutions

The Housing Solutions service is for people in housing need, including the homeless. The Housing Register is the council's list of people in housing need who are able to express an interest in affordable homes advertised on the council's choice-based lettings website Homes4Wiltshire. Demand for social rented housing significantly outstrips supply with over 200% more people on the Housing Register than there were 5 years ago. Where we can, we always explore other housing options with people.

We can provide advice and information on notices from landlords and mortgage lenders, possession proceedings, rent arrears, mortgage areas, and whether someone is entitled to join the Housing Register and other housing issues.

We will work with you to improve your housing circumstances or, if your home is at risk, help you avoid homelessness and find somewhere else to live if necessary.

If you are homeless or at risk of homelessness

Our service is a telephone and email service. Our telephone service is open from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, closed Wednesday, 9am to 2pm.

  • 0300 456 0106

You can also email Housing Solutions at (opens new window). Please tell us about your situation and leave a phone number to contact you on.

For professionals who are making a Duty to Refer referral, please use our Homeless duty to refer form.


If you have a Housing emergency and the office is closed, contact the Emergency Duty Service on 0300 456 0100.

Other enquiries


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