Healthy weight
Adult / preconception
- Base your diet on guidelines of the The Eatwell Guide (opens new window), including using the food labelling guide (opens new window) to make healthy choices.
- Aim for 150 minutes a week of moderate physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity
- Making healthy lifestyle changes can be supported through raising your self esteem (opens new window)
- Being smokefree and eating a healthy balanced diet will support your baby to grow and develop healthily during pregnancy
- Base your diet on guidelines of the Eat Well Guide (opens new window), including using the food labelling guide (opens new window) to make healthy choices. See healthy eating page of the took kit for further advice
- For further support with gaining a healthy weight in pregnancy speak to your midwife. See Start4Life - pregnancy (opens new window) and NHS: Have a healthy diet in pregnancy (opens new window)
0 to 6 Months
- Exclusively breastfeeding at this time helps your child to develop and grow healthily.
- For infants who are not breastfed, or receiving breast milk, first infant formula should be used as the sole source of nutrition (or to supplement breast milk) up to 6 months of age
6 months onwards
- Introducing solid foods in addition the babies usual breast milk / formula milk from the age of 6 months helps your child to grow well. See NHS Better Health Start for life: What is weaning? (opens new window).
Birth to 5 years old
- Attend your local Healthy Child Drop-ins (opens new window) where the weight and growth of your child can be checked, and support and advice given to promote the healthy growth and development of your child.
- Attend developmental reviews at 9 - 11 months and 27 months
- See the Vitamins and supplements page of the toolkit for advice on vitamins
Healthy Start (opens new window) pre-paid card can be used to spend on healthy foods and claim free vitamins (from Family Hubs (formerly Children's Centres) during pregnancy and following birth (up until your child's 4th birthday). To check your eligibility and to apply for healthy start see Healthy Start (NHS): How to apply (opens new window). Also speak to your midwife, health visitor, Family Hub or library for more information.
- See Family Hubs for cooking programmes
- See Wiltshire Councils Your baby and healthy weight web page for more information and links
- See Wiltshire Councils Healthy weight in early years for more information and links
- See Wiltshire Council's Healthy weight in adults web page - and scroll down for link to Healthy Us group weight management programme service in Wiltshire
- Speak to your GP about a referral to Active Health
- Start4Life - pregnancy (opens new window)
- NHS Better Health Start for life: What is weaning? (opens new window)
- Early years - healthy weight
- Healthy Weight 4 Life e-toolkit
- NHS Live Well: Healthy weight (opens new window)
- National Diabetes Prevention Programme (opens new window)
- First Steps Nutrition Trust: Eating well: the first year (opens new window) - a free to download guide